with a total value of $2,000/year
Our leasing fee contains a comprehensive “worry-free package”, including the following services:
There are no credit checks required for vehicles based in Auckland.
Please note that these prices do not include insurance. If you have any inquiries, please refer to the FAQs or email us.
This vehicle is available for pre-order only.
Please note our average wait time is approxmiately 12 weeks for pre-order vehicles.
with a total value of $2,000/year
Our leasing fee contains a comprehensive “worry-free package”, including the following services:
There are no credit checks required for vehicles based in Auckland.
Please note that these prices do not include insurance. If you have any inquiries, please refer to the FAQs or email us.
Driving Distance in Km/day
Working Hours Weekly
Hourly Rate in NZ $
These calculator summaries are intended as a guide/illustration only and are not a guarantee from Lease2go Limited.
Worry Free Package Included
Varies from driver’s license type
Individual Use Driving distance limitation: 15,000 km/year
Company use driving distance limitation: 15,000 km/year
Uber driver use driving distance limitation: 30,000 km/year
*(Passenger (P) Endorsement form is required to get the official approval for the Uber driver use. However, pre-approval could be made without the Passenger Endorsement Form).
*Plus residual value of the vehicle after 12 months lease term ends
Get $5 off per week if you register your vehicle with Uber!
This online application is free and no charges are processed online. Please note that the exact vehicle you apply for is not guaranteed or reserved until a bond and establishment fees are paid in full onsite. A similar vehicle may be offered if the desired vehicle becomes unavailable by the time of pick up.
Monday-Saturday : 10:00am – 5:30pm
64 Walls Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061